Considerations for Uploading

User Guides / Considerations before uploading to FLEXspace

Before you get started uploading your records to FLEXspace:

  • First, you might want to view some FLEXspace records to see what the formatting and descriptors look like. Login to FLEXspace and see the SDSU AH1112 as an example.
  • When viewing the thumbnail images of spaces, notice that the main information listed includes: Institution, Space Type, and Date of Usage. For your own records, you’ll want to make sure those fields are completed as you wish them to be displayed in the thumbnail view.
  • See this list of detailed taxonomies you’ll use to describe the Facilities, Learning & Assessment Pedagogies, and Technologies & Furnishings.

Before uploading a file, consider:

1) Is this file ready to share? When considering sharing a document like a spreadsheet or PDF, remember that FLEXspace users may download and share the document. Therefore, make sure you consider the following:

  • Does the document itself include contact information? (e.g., in a header or footer)
  • Is it OK to share the document as it is? (Is there any proprietary or confidential information you need to remove or mask?)
  • Does the file have a meaningful name? (e.g., “CSUSM-MHA241-floorplan.pdf” is great; “floorplanA1.pdf” is not ideal)

2) Will I be able to complete the description/details completely and accurately? If not, who else has the info/expertise necessary? Ideally, you would have the person most knowledgeable about each of the three attributes complete that section of the entry — “learning and assessment,” “technology integration,” and “facilities.” This expert might be YOU, or a colleague. Feel free to divvy up the work, and have different people complete different sections of the entry.

  • See this list of detailed taxonomies you’ll use to describe the Facilities, Learning & Assessment Pedagogies, and Technologies & Furnishings.