
Bird wild predator

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,...

Diary writing

Mauris lacus dolor, ultricies vel sodales ac, egestas vel eros. Quisque posuere quam eget eleifend semper. Suspendisse tempus nisi utMauris lacus dolor, ultricies vel sodales ac, egestas vel eros. Quisque posuere quam eget eleifend semper. Suspendisse tempus nisi utMauris lacus dolor, ultricies vel sodales ac, egestas vel eros. Quisque posuere...

Latest User Stats 8/17/15

Total # users: 1275 Total # institutions represented: 654 Educational institutions: 597 Organizations / Vendors / Architectural Firms: 57 Total # institutions from: US: 538 Canada: 30 UK: 23 Australia: 7 Germany: 7 France: 4 New Zealand: 4 South Africa: 3 Sweden: 7 United Arab Emirates: 3 Finland: 2 Malaysia:...

Just in! And the Winner Is…

During the month of June, the FLEXspace core team made a push to build awareness of the FLEXspace community and encourage contribution to the collection. In this recent effort, we’re happy to report that a dozen institutions contributed almost 150 new records to the FLEXspace collection, detailing 27 unique learning...
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