Uploading Images

User Guides / How to upload images to FLEXspace

To save time, there are two ways to enter data or “catalog a record.”


  • Use “Bulk Editing” to catalog data across several records at once – If you have uploaded several files that require the same information, you can select all those files at once, and enter data that will go across all those selected records. Then, go to each individual record and modify each.
  • Use a “Master Record” to easily copy data from one record to other records at any time – If you have just one file for your space at first, you can enter data for that file, then later add more files. You would choose the completed file as the “master record” from which you can copy all data to other files.
    • Use the Master Record feature to copy data from one FLEXspace record to another.Watch this 90 second tutorial.

    • Steps
      1. Select the record you would like to copy from then click the gear menu in the upper right. Choose set as master record. masterrecord
      2. Highlight all associated assets to which you want to copy master data
      3. Click EDIT
      4. Choose “OPTIONS”, “Paste from master record” pastemasterrecord
      5. Then, EDIT individual records with unique information as you see fit.

Here is more help on working with master records.

Learn more on Creating Sets of Records to organize your records, and read about these Considerations for Uploading your learning space examples, including the detailed taxonomies.