Learning Spaces: Search, Share, Connect, Anywhere.

Free for educators, FLEXspace.org is your one-stop shop for best practices, detailed examples, and a community
dedicated to improving learning spaces around the world.

Pedagogy + Space + Technology = FLEXspace.org — The only open resource that brings together teachers, faculty, designers, experts and decision makers in higher education, K-12, libraries, and museums who are focused on classroom design, campus planning and facilities, learning technology, A/V systems integration, instructional design, teaching, and research.

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We want to hear from you!
FLEXspace invites community members to participate in the community input process.
We will use the input to revise this public website and the portal in a process of continuous improvement.
We invite you to share your comments through the feedback form or in the community forum once you’re logged in.

Thank you to our Partners!

Contact us to become a FLEXspace partner and help us make a positive impact on learning environments!

Higher Ed AV Magazine
State University System of New York
California State University System
Foothill DeAnza Community College District
SCUP – Society for College and University Planning
International Society for Technology in Education
Learning Spaces Collaboratory
UBTech Program Partner
Penn State
Educational Technology Collaborative
Susan Whitmer Studios
Drexel University
VS America

Learn more about all of our partners here.

Want to share your testimonial as a FLEXspace user?

Please share your story through our feedback form!